Welcome to DiTaBu, your online Diabetics Diary

DiTaBu - das kostenlose Diabetiker-Tagebuch im Internet

A detailed, near flawless account of blood sugar levels, carbohydrate absorbtion and insulin injections is paramount for a successful diabetics treatment.

Often these details are noted by hand and regularly approved by an over-seeing doctor. It can be difficult for a diabetologist to make sense of this mass of data on blood sugar, insulin and carbohydrate levels, never mind decypher positive or negative developments of an individual's diabetic treatment.

This is where DiTaBu comes in:

www.DiTaBu.de     Your online Diabetics Diary

DiTaBu is a username and password secured database, where all relevant information can be collected and stored online.

The clear and detailed, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly statistics, are helpful to you and your diabetologist in optimising your diabetic treatment.

Example daily statistic:

Detailierte Tagesaufzeichnungen mit Blutzucker, Insulin-Injektionen, Kohlenhydrat-Aufnahmen

Tagesstatistik über Blutzucker-Werte und Kohlenhydrat-Aufnahme

Data collection in the Diabetics Diary

Important in the development of the software, was to ensure that the data collection process in the DiTaBu did not end up requiring more effort than gathering the information by hand.

One option for data collection ist to do so on the website itself, where all noted data from the past week, can be entered in bulk. This saves time and eases frustration, as many other Diabetics Diaries, require this data to be entered and saved individually.

The quicker and more timely option is to enter data via the web-app directly on your smartphone. As your smartphone is usually always accessible, this eliminates the requirement for a physical, paper diary. The collection of blood sugar levels, carbohydrate absorption and insulin injections is just as quick and easy with the DiTaBu App, as by hand. The data is then also instantly accessible in your DiTaBu-portal. The transfer of data from PC to smartphone or vice versa is unnecissary.

DiTaBu - Your online Diabetics Diary

Example weekly and monthly statistic:

Beispiel einer Wochen- und Monatsstatistik aus dem Diabetes-Tagebuch

Trial access

Simply try DiTaBu here for yourself and test the program without obligation or a personal registration:

User:            gast@ditabu.de
Password:    gast123

With this account you can access almost all functions of the Diabetics Diary.
Please be aware that other people are also able to access this account.
Therefore, do not enter any personal data.

Contact   Imprint   Terms & Cond.   Privacy Policy  


Externer Link
Hilfreiche Informationen zum Thema Diabetes
Wochen- / Tabellenansicht
Detailansicht Ihrer Aufzeichnungen und Möglichkeit der Datenerfassung.
Statistiken und Diagramme der Aufzeichnungen des gesamten Monats
Das ganze Jahr in der Übersicht.
Auflistung aller bei DiTaBu registrierten Ärzte.
Verzeichnis Ihrer Patienten und deren Aufzeichnungen.
Ihr bekannter Diabetes-Pass, jetzt auch in digitaler Form.
